The Benefits of Singing for Seniors
Singing can have positive health benefits, even if you’re not a professional.
Did you know that singing can significantly help seniors afflicted with neurological diseases ?
A recent study found that singing was instrumental in improving the brain functionality of those diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and aphasia. However, singing can do a lot more than just that! Singing can provide seniors with the opportunity to network and engage socially while improving brain health and overall quality of life.
Singing is something you can do for a lifetime, and studies prove it is good for mental, physical, social, and psychological health.
Older adults that sing at home or as part of a choir have experienced some of the following quality of life changes:
Increased self-confidence
Improved interaction with other people in social settings
Reduced anxiety and aggression
Fewer incidences of depression
Fewer hospital visits
Ability to communicate even with speech difficulties
Improvements in the tone of their speaking voices
Easier breathing
Improved posture

People love to sing a good song. It might be in the shower, while ironing clothes, or during a drive to work. It’s not essential if you consider yourself a singer or not, it’s just a natural and enjoyable part of life and is another form of nonverbal expression.
Everyone can be taught to sing; you don’t necessarily need to have a great voice, just a desire to make a joyful noise. Singing is an activity that is healthy, fun and affords a great many benefits to the body and mind.
Singing helps seniors to relax and feel better. It allows them to express deep emotion and releases them from stress. It often has a way of lifting their spirits in the midst of whatever challenges they might be facing. Therefore, singing and listening to music are considered very beneficial forms of activities for seniors with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia.
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